What we do
Eye Examinations
Attending for regular eye examinations is the optimum way to maintain your eyes' health and comfort.
Every eye examination at Worden Opticians is conducted personally by owner Jonathan Davies in a full one hour appointment.
Allowing this time to thoroughly examine your eyes and discuss your individual requirements allows us to best determine your unique prescription and give our most considered recommendations.
To ensure that our eye examinations are the the most thorough and accurate possible we constantly invest in the very latest technology which at Worden Opticians is always used alongside personal attention.
The eyewear we offer is amongst the finest available.
Our range of luxury frames are sourced from around the world. We take great time & care in helping you to find your ideal frame and have the expertise to ensure that its' fitting is then perfect.
Our frames include Lindberg, Masunaga, Orgreen, Lunor, Gotti, LA eyeworks & Silhouette amongst many others.
Lenses are perhaps the most essential element of your new eyewear. At Worden Opticians we offer the very latest spectacle lenses available to ensure you enjoy the best possible vision and comfort.
The lenses we offer include:
- Single vision distance and reading lenses
- Bifocal lenses; a simple but wonderfully effective distance and reading option
- Multifocal lenses; a blended lens to include three zones – distance, reading and near
- Office lenses; specially designed for those who use a computer or require near vision assistance
- Performance lenses; lenses designed to respond to the various demands of different sporting and leisure activities
- Lens coatings; these include special coatings for driving, computer work and many other applications
We are highly experienced in dispensing premium lens solutions and always take time to discuss the options available.
Contact lenses
We specialise in all aspects of contact lens fitting and aftercare.